Our Workshop

Workshop Overview

Family Bridges is a 4-day workshop to help children reunify with a parent. Family Bridges offers an opportunity for participants to begin restoring a positive relationship in a relaxed setting with engaging videos and other material.

The workshop’s primary goals are twofold:
  • Help children adjust to the transition of living with a parent from whom they are alienated while the children’s contact with their other parent is suspended by the court for an extended period of time.
  • Improve the quality of the parent–child relationship.

The Family Bridges workshop is a structured, 4-day, educational experience in which the rejected parent and one or more alienated children participate together without any other families and without the presence of the other parent.

The workshop is scheduled as close as possible to the date court orders place alienated children with the rejected parent and apart from their other parent, or, in the case of recovered abducted children, upon their return.

Referrals to Family Bridges come from courts, child custody evaluators, therapists and counselors, attorneys, and child representatives (such as guardians ad litem, amicus attorneys, and best interest attorneys).

  • Family Bridges is a 4-day workshop to help children reunify with a parent.
  • The workshop is a structured, 4-day, educational experience in which the rejected parent and one or more alienated children participate together without any other families.
  • The program helps children adjust to the transition of living with a parent from whom they are alienated while the children’s contact with their other parent is suspended by the court.
  • Improves the quality of the parent–child relationship.
What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™
“Today was a wonderful day. All the kids interacted well with me and had a lot of fun. It was almost as though they
had never been alienated. [names redacted] call me ‘dadʼ very naturally now. [name redacted] uses it occasionally.
[name redacted] told me several times ‘this is the best day of my life!!ʼ”
formerly alienated father two days after the workshop
What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™
“Today my son is a normal teenager in every sense of the word. His anger and defiance have been replaced by
respect and a real caring for others, especially his sister. He is focused on his studies and is doing very well. His
sister, as well, has grown in her self-confidence and is much more talkative and smiling. The positive changes in
them are apparent to everyone.”
a grateful parent
What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™
“My daughter has done exceedingly well – she is 21 now, married last year,  and she and her husband are off on
their own life adventure. Following the workshop my child did very well here at home, socially, and in school.
After completing her first two years in college she met her husband – a father couldn’t be happier for his daughter!”
a formerly alienated father 10 years after the workshop
What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™
“My son is like a whole different child, funny and joking. Last weekend we were with my dad and brother and their
families and they said it was night and day their attitudes and demeanor. It was like the last 3 or 4 years had
never happened and we got them back (which we have.) All of this has helped me relax more and become more and
more affectionate with them.”
a formerly alienated father
The Family Bridges Workshop is a structured, four-day education experience to help alienated children and a rejected parent begin restoring a positive relationship in a relaxed setting.
© 2023 Building Family Bridges. All rights reserved.