
Family Bridges Workshop Locations

Family Bridges workshops are offered throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, with an increasing number of independent practitioners being trained to provide the workshop. The workshop usually takes place at a vacation resort facility rather than in an office.

This setting allows the family plenty of opportunities for recreation and enjoyable interactions. In some cases the workshop providers travel to the family’s city.

In other cases the family travels to another city and enjoys a brief vacation following the workshop.

What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™
Nothing short of remarkable. ~ An Ontario Superior Court Justice
describing children’s progress after participating in Family Bridges
Ontario Superior Court
What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™
“There has been a 180 degree shift in the children’s attitudes.
Both children are now saying kind things about me.”

Formerly alienated mother
What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™
“She could only attribute [the child]’s amazing progress to the intervention
and not being subjected to the push and pull of the parents.”
– Appellate court decision
Court of Appeals
What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™
“[The child] has transformed from a sad and depressed girl who rarely ventured out into the world, had few
friends, and hid behind Goth makeup, to an engaged and active participant in her own life. . .” – Report of a
guardian ad litem
Guardian ad litem
What Judges, Parents, and Children Say About Building Family Bridges™

“It was almost as though they had never been alienated.”

Formerly alienated father
The Family Bridges Workshop is a structured, four-day education experience to help alienated children and a rejected parent begin restoring a positive relationship in a relaxed setting.
© 2023 Building Family Bridges. All rights reserved.